Created föstudagur 04 september 2020
Don't know if 2E is old school enough for you, but I like to use myself the 2d10 table as per the 2E DMG :
Table 54: 2-20 Encounter Table Dice Roll Frequency 2 Very rare 3 Very rare 4 Very rare or rare (DM's choice) 5 Rare 6 Rare 7 Uncommon* 8 Uncommon* 9 Common** 10 Common** 11 Common** 12 Common** 13 Common** 14 Uncommon* 15 Uncommon* 16 Rare 17 Rare 18 Very rare or rare (DM's choice) 19 Very rare 20 Very rare
** Or choice of two rare creatures, 50% chance of each.
Encounter Chance:
Density | Roll | % per watch | % per day |
Light | 1 on 1d8 | 13% | 57% |
Medium | 1 on 1d6 | 16% | 66% |
Dense | 2 on 1d8 | 25% | 82% |
Border Encounters: 25% Encounter Type (1d2): 1: Location; 2: Other
1d20 | Encounter | % LAIR | % TRACKS |
1-3 | Lizardmen (hex A10, A13) | 30% | 50% |
4-5 | 1d2 tree trolls (hex C13) | 40% | 50% |
6 | Adventurers | 10% | 75% |
7-9 | Ghouls (hex A12, E9) | 20% | 50% |
10-12 | Zombies (hex E9) | 25% | 50% |
13 | Bat Swarm | 20% | 5% |
14 | Jungle Bear (hairless, use black bear stats) | 10% | 50% |
15 | Carrion crawlers | 50% | 50% |
16 | Giant leech | Nil | Nil |
17-18 | Orcs (hex B7) | 25% | 50% |
19 | Wild boars | Nil | 25% |
20 | Tyrannosaurus Rex | Nil | 50% |